Our packages
Single Classes:
If you don’t want to commit to a membership or only want to attend a single class occasionally, you can buy a single class. A single class is good for one time only and the price varies depending on the class type from $25 (45 min class), $30 (60 min class) to $85 (workshop style class).
Class Packs:
30-day Unlimited: We offer unlimited monthly class packs for a single person and for a couple. These packs are a great option if you plan to take at least 2 classes per week. There is no-commitment and these class packs expire 30 days after purchase. These allow you to take any class any time as often as you like.
10-All Class Pack: Our 10-class pack is a package that is good for 10 classes within a 12 month period. You can attend any class on the daily regular schedule. This is a good option for anyone who does not practice regularly, but likes to have a variety in their movement regimen. Expires 1 year after purchase.
7am Unlimited: Get up early in the morning and flow. This class pack is good for unlimited 7am classes for one month. We have 2 options: Early Riser // 1-month unlimited and 7 a.m. Warrior // an auto-renew (12 months commitment.)
New - Any 3 Classes: If your are new to the studio our “New - Any 3 Classes” package gives you a chance to try three of our classes within 30 days after purchase at a greatly reduced cost.
Membership Packages:
3-month auto-renew: “Warrior 3” // a 3-month commitment for any classes from 45-60 minutes, plus discounted special classes/workshops.
Unlimited classes
10% discount for One of a Kind classes and some workshops
1 guest pass each month (unused passes expire), first time to the studio
Mat and towel service
10% discount at DRIFT closet
10% discount at the Juice Bar
Annual membership: “Free Flow“ // a 12 month commitment for the best value good for any classes, including 4 One of a Kind classes.
Unlimited classes.
Four One-of-a-Kind classes included annually.
10% discount on select special workshops and additional One-of-a-Kind classes.
25% discount on non-branded retail items
10% discount on DRIFT branded items
10% discount at the Juice Bar
Two guest passes each month (unused passes expire), first time to the studio
Mat and towel service
Once the year is over, you may continue at the same price for another year.
Couple Shared : If you and your partner living at the same address practice yoga, we have a couple shared membership. Same benefits as the 3-month auto-renew membership.
Private Yoga:
For Private Yoga classes please inquire at the front desk.